
If you have any questions, would like to book a session with a member of our team or would like to begin a conversation about inviting Susan and her team  to train or speak at a conference, please fill in the form below.

    New Appointment: A one on one session with a Loved Into Life facilitator.
    Loved Into Life Speaking Event: Invite Susan and her team to come and share about Loved Into Life, ministering to your community, seeing the Gospel in action.
    One Day Mini Immersive: A One Day immersive of Loved Into Life with Susan and a group of 6 people maximum. In this intimate setting, Susan will empower, equip and minister for a full day seeing the finished work of the Cross revealed in a deeper measure.
    Three Day Immersive: A weekend immersive of Loved Into Life with Susan and a group of 6 people maximum. In this intimate setting, Susan will empower, equip and minister for three full days. This is the most thorough opportunity to go to greater depths with Susan and Loved Into Life, leaving the weekend transformed by Jesus and equipped to lead others to Him.
    Loved Into Life Training/Mentoring Leaders: Susan equipping your Ministry Team within your church or leadership team with Loved Into Life. Helping establish a Loved Into Life prayer ministers at your church or organization.

    European partner

    USA partner/immersive